Iron Heart
1 Month
2 Months
3 Months
4 Months
5 months
6 Months
25 oz IH-634-XHS
6 months of hard wear
0 washes
I've skated, biked, walked, ran, jumped, super karate kicked, and tried pushing these jeans to their limit. There are many crotch rips that have been repaired, and a couple still that are in need of repair. I'm still debating whether i should soak them or not. This 25oz denim is out of this world; the Zimbabwe cotton has lived up to is rep in my eyes, despite its thickness and weight, these jeans breathe so well, I've worn them comfortably in warmer conditions with minimal discomfort. IRON HEART definitely has me as a follower. I will be doing a 6 month "breakdown" of my jeans that will include area of wear and what i personally like/love about my jeans. Thank you Haraki-san for being such a great designer, you are awesome, the fit is amazing. I can go on and on about these jeans, but I'm going to stop myself because i still have homework to finish.
Thank you for reading,
-Kristian Buenconsejo
Looking pretty good man! Keep rocking them hard.